What is wealth? Is it time, possessions, freedom to do what you wish with your time, keeping up with the “Joneses”?
A Journalism professor once reminded me, “Michael, it’s still news if you haven’t read it.” Every now and then I’ll send you articles worth the read – ergo the nearsighted dog (Sophie Dawge, head of Homebuyer Associates marketing department.) Still news if you haven’t read it.
The two articles below speak to matters that might be of interest as you make housing and life decisions.
A NewYork Times article which addresses the pros and cons of refinancing. I recently completed the process. The math made sense so the decision was easy. If you have refinancing questions contact Seamus or me and we’ll help you make an informed decision.
As always, if you have any real estate related questions, i.e. Is it worth remodeling my kitchen? feel free to contact Seamus or me. If we don’t have an answer we might know someone who does.
Thanks for reading,
Michael D. Holloway
Homebuyer Associates
Michael D. Holloway / Seamus Holloway